How to choose the right wood for your furniture: the Homewood Edition

When it comes to choosing the perfect wood type for your furniture, the decision goes beyond aesthetics; it’s about ensuring longevity, resilience, and a piece that stands the test of time.

At Homewood, we understand the significance of selecting the right wood for each piece, tailored to its purpose and environment. Below, we’ve compiled a simple guide to help you in your decision-making, highlighting the various factors that you need to keep in mind when choosing a wood type.

In terms of the unique woods that Homewood offers, you’ll see that the more popular names in the woodworking world, such as Ash or Oak, are missing from our product offering. This is very intentional, as we’ve spent the past 19 years adapting our business model and sourcing alternative timbers to minimise our environmental footprint. These timbers have been rigorously tested in the factory in Lidgetton through exposure to the worst conditions imaginable to reveal their characteristics.

Furniture exclusively for outdoor use? Here’s what to consider:

  • Durability is paramount for furniture fully exposed to the elements. Mother Nature’s relentless efforts to break down wood can be mitigated by selecting woods with built-in defence mechanisms. Homewood recommends red river gum —resilient woods boasting both durability and resilience!
  • Crafted with these woods, your outdoor furniture will outlast metal and plastic alternatives, offering a natural defence against sun damage, insects, and fungal attacks.

A note on maintenance

While red river gum, for example, is particularly resistance to weather, proper maintenance of any Homewood outdoor furniture is absolutely vital to ensure its longevity.

We recommend using a properly formulated and lightly pigmented product like Danish Oil or Woodoc Outdoor Wax to slow the weathering process down over time. Where possible, move your outdoor furniture into the shade to avoid unnecessary overexposure to harmful UV rays.

Patio Furniture

  • Patio furniture enjoys some shelter but still faces challenges like humidity, moisture, and occasional sun exposure.
  • For these reasons, Red River Gum remains an ideal choice, providing additional protection against the elements.

Furnishing your interiors? Your options are wide open!

  • With less concern about the elements, your Homewood wood options are wide open when furnishing the interior of your home, office or hospitality space.
  • Here, your preferred aesthetic and budget come into full play with options ranging from Cottonwood and Sugar Gum to Plantation Teak and Blackwood. Each wood boasts its own charm and unique hue, bringing every furniture design to life.

Custom-made, in every sense of the word

Choose from one of the thousands of design options in our Homewood catalogue or spend some quality time with our showroom furniture design gurus armed with your Pinterest board and dream up the ultimate custom furniture pieces for your space.

At the end of the day, we cannot recommend a visit to one of our Homewood showrooms enough, located in Kramerville, Umhlanga, and Piggly Wiggly  in the KZN Midlands. When investing in a quality hardwood furniture piece (or pieces), you cannot go wrong by speaking with the pros, who have a combined 30+ years of furniture design experience and can advise you on the right wood type for your space.  

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